Script TV

About Script Network

With television progressively turning into a cord-cutting, digital experience, Script.TV is focused on delivering a unique, industry-defining experience, using blockchain technology.

Although there are multiple options to consume content globally, Script.TV is the first to bring live television to the blockchain, with on-chain rewards through NFTs, gifts, and tokens by watching content every hour.

In this documentation, we have explained the functionalities, working mechanisms, and benefits of Script TV.

Introduction powers linear TV shows.

Linear TV is a visualization format where, contrary to on-demand TV, content is watched by many at the same time.

We combine it with web3, the new paradigm based on decentralized peer-2-peer networks returns the power to users, allowing the seamlessly integration of token cryptoeconomies and content delivery.

Furthermore we improve the experience with live NFT marketplace and watch-to-earn concept.

Script TV is a decentralized video delivery network that furnishes an expansive range of blockchain-enabled solutions to the problems related to the traditional video-streaming sector. The platform offers high-quality video streaming as well as multiple incentive mechanisms for decentralized bandwidth and content-sharing at a reduced cost as compared to conventional service providers. Script Network Defined

Script Network is the leading video delivery network powered by blockchain technology.

Script Network allows users to simultaneously watch video content and earn token rewards for relaying video to other users who are also watching the same content.

In the same vein as other sharing economy models, users opt-in to volunteering their spare bandwidth and computing resources to relay video to other users and earn token rewards for their contributions. Users can contribute to Script Network on any PC or Server. For video platforms, integrating Script Network into their video delivery stack enables them to reduce video delivery costs, deepen viewer engagement, and drive incremental revenues. By spending less on video delivery infrastructure, and more on rewarding their users, Script-enabled video platforms can grow their user base and gain market share. About Script Blockchain

The Script Blockchain is a purpose-built blockchain designed for video and data relaying from the ground up. Script’s unique multi-BFT consensus design combines a committee Validator Nodes with a second layer of community-run Validator Nodes. Validator Nodes propose and produce new blocks in the chain, while Lightning Nodes seal blocks and act as a check on malicious or non-functional Validator Nodes.

The Script blockchain mainnet enables the support for Turing-complete smart contracts. Smart contracts open up a new set of user experiences and attribution models for DApps built on the Script network.

For example, leveraging smart contracts on the Script network could enable fully digitized item ownership, innovative payment-consumption models, transparent royalty distributions, trustless crowdfunding mechanisms, and much more. This provides an additional layer of social and economic interactivity that supplements the core functionality of video and data delivery and significantly increases the engagement and retention of platform users.

In addition to the Validator and Lightning Nodes, the Script community members also host the Script Node, which forms the Script Network, a fully decentralized network for data delivery and, more generally, computing. This new fully decentralized technology stack adds the ability to capture live video, transcode it in real-time, cache and relay live stream video data to users globally - all through Script’s P2P network run by thousands of community members. Not a single central server or service is used in this pipeline. This is a huge challenge and a huge accomplishment.

The Script Token (SCPT) is the governance token of the Script protocol. SCPT is used to stake as a Validator and Lightning Nodes, contributing to block production and the protocol governance of the Script Network. By staking and running a node, users will earn a proportional amount of the new SCPT generated. The supply of SCPT is fixed at 1 billion and will never increase. SCPT is used for on-chain operations like payments to relayers for sharing a video stream, or for deploying or interacting with smart contracts. Relayers earn SCPT for every video stream they relay to other users on the network.

Supported TV visualization platofrms

  • Browser. desktop / laptop
  • Mobile.

Main landing page.



Shortcuts (links) to most-used features or important pages:


Opens in a new window information about our crypto tokens SCPT and SPAY.

Watch. TV player.

TV player

Space where the selected channel is dispalyed for visualization. Includes volume control and full-screen mode.

As you scroll down, the TV player will automatically shift into a mini window. Scrollin all the way up will close the mini-window and the projection will be shown in its original space in the page.


Live chat

A place to exchange instant messages with other TV watchers.

Scrolling down we find the Electronic Programme Guide (EPG):

Electronic Programme Guide (TV Schedule)


Switch channels among the listed. Channels offer a time-line view with information about current/next TV programs. Times are shown local for your timezone.


Find channels to watch by category.



Access to documentation, whitepaper, FAQs and links,



Scrolls down to community links.



The testnet P2P tokenization network is a place for experimenting with tokens at no cost.

Test coins (play-money) SCPT and SPAY can be obtained for free from our faucet, a wallet feature representing an unlimited source of tokens that can transfer tokens to your wallet upon request.

The menu Provides access to our wallet, blockchain explorer and the downloads section.

The testnet P2P network is a network made by the public for the public. Run a testnet node following the link!.



The unique difference between the networks testnet and mainnet are two: * They are run by different nodes. * Testnet tokens can be obtained for free from the faucet and have zero trading value. * Mainnet tokens implements the real-money economy of the platform.


The marketplace is where NFT trading occurs.


Script TV User account

Registering a free account on is the way to obtain benefits and perks.

Click the button sign in/up shown at the top bar and select a convenient method for loginng in among the available options. screenshot__login button screenshot__login_method

/Register via script wallet

When you select this method you would be using your script wallet.

/Register via metamask wallet

When you select this method you would be using your Metamask wallet.

Follow the instructions shown in your Metamask installation until you command it to connect.

/Register via Google account

When you select this method you would be using your Google account.

/Register via email

When you select this method you would be using your e-mail account.

Registering a new account

Register a new account clicking the Sign up via Email Address link


Fill all the fields and save changes to continue.

/Register via Metamask wallet


As last step, provide a password for accessing your account associated with this metamask address:


Scriptnet V3: Testnet / Mainnet

Run a node crypto network is based on nodes and made only by the aggregation of more and more nodes, we call them lightning nodes because they are responsible for block finalization and blockchain settlement.

The accountability is trusted because the network is resilient against attacks or games executed by evil nodes without single-points-of-failure.

Blockchain implies nascent technology that leverages untrusted nodes that are publicly executing a distributed consensus algorithm in order to amazingly form a trustable, resilient and censorship resistant settlement system.

Benefits of running nodes:

  • Nodes are your tool for participating in consensus rounds, and obtain rewards based on staked amounts.
  • With a Node you can accept delegation requests, for which users that are not running nodes can participate in consensus with a profit-share model.
  • Control/automate anything related to your relation among other nodes in the Script Network and TV users
  • Use/customize your own wallet backend/frontend, e.g. automating interations with other’s wallets.
  • Use/customize your own blockchain explorer backend/frontend.

For improved privacy run your node in trusted hardware, e.g. the preferred choice for privacy-exigent users is to run the node in dedicated hardware. A VM in a datacenter or computer at home is a good-enough option for many.


Provides access to different method for running a Linux node.

Support for node installations has been discontinued for platforms Windows and Mac.

  • Build and run your node in console mode. Ideal for developers.

Follow instructions at our github page:

  • Install a precompiled OS/image on a fresh Operating System. Fully featured with Web GUI Wallet/Explorer interface. Ideal for professional or stable node runners.

Follow on-screen instructions until you reach the 1-liner installer. Copy that line.


Major sequence of steps to follow for stable installations:

  • 1.- get debian-12 VM at datacentre. (e.g,
  • 2.- ssh as root. (Priviledged access to the VM command shell).
  • 3.- paste the 1-liner installer you copied from downloads page. Press Enter. (watch: this process is showcased in manic_beret’s asciinema video
  • 4.- Provide your DNS domain (e.g. and public IP address.
  • 5.- wait 1 minute… Voila! your node is up and running!.
  • 5.5 - Play around with commands… it’s your node! everything is transparent.
  • 6.- Stake your node.

Node commands

As user root

Commands:   # uninstalls the node software from your VM
          # subsystem health checks 
            script_tv__ctl stop       # stops all services for node maintenance
            script_tv__ctl start      # resume all services after node maintenance
            cat /var/script_tv/data_sheet  # Prints Operational Data sheet detailing daemons, URLs and ports used among other technical data.

As user stv

Command Aliases defined in file .bashrc:

    script                    # access to public ledger 
            scriptcli                 # access to wallet functions


ssh as root and change to user stv

    root> su stv
            stv> cd

check status

    stv@ip-172-31-14-72:~$ scriptcli query status
                "address": "0x8d1F3236d790415d631d554091dE7A25913FB561",
                "chain_id": "testnet",
                "current_epoch": "1007",
                "current_hash": "0xd2390cb67e49939a1f7ee71fb1e754f2f9c05dd0f66c2c71d75721fee4159806",
                "current_height": "1005",
                "current_time": "1721812083",
                "genesis_block_hash": "0x42a81f3f7ef0a5297997c8428ae945d5176f07082224b006f1979a5ebbe2744c",
                "latest_finalized_block_epoch": "1005",
                "latest_finalized_block_hash": "0x7ead0d6e526f6489f5ccf58a33a25257e57667fbad6e5ac9beee66e8b28efdef",
                "latest_finalized_block_height": "1005",
                "latest_finalized_block_time": "1721812070",
                "peer_id": "0x8d1F3236d790415d631d554091dE7A25913FB561",
                "snapshot_block_hash": "0x42a81f3f7ef0a5297997c8428ae945d5176f07082224b006f1979a5ebbe2744c",
                "snapshot_block_height": "0",
                "syncing": false,
                "tip_hash": "0xc0ca980d8000241f396de5b80403f3a4f57bf27b5e21d713b0a349f55184b5cb"

            stv> exit

copy the address, check we have key for this address:

    stv@ip-172-31-8-249:~$ scriptcli key list

Script Wallet

Wallets are privacy-first programs that manage your “secrets”, among them are your keys, used to unlock addresses and needed to move tokens around.

The Script Wallet can be found on any node. Script Network node provide the following URLs for the wallet service:

  • testnet:
  • mainnet:

Your secrets, represented by the keystore file, are never transmitted throught the wire. and shall be backed up and kept secret by the user.

Access the wallet using the main menu of the desired network, e.g. Testnet -> Testnet wallet.


Creating a new wallet

New users would need to go through the process of creating a new keystore file.

Click the link “create a wallet” that you’d find at the bottom of the unlock-wallet screen.

Complete a set of easy steps following on-screen instructions.

This process will end-up in a keystore file containig your secret keys.

It’s your responsibility to safeguard this file, keeping it backed up and secret being aware that leaked secrets may produce loss of tokens.

Unlocking your wallet

3 methods are available to get access to your funds.

  • keystore

You would normally unlock your wallet using your keystore file. In case this file is lost or not accessible the process can alternativamente be fulfilled using two remaining recovery methods.

  • mnemonics

During the process of creating the keystore a copyable paragraph is also created as an alternative method to unlock the wallet.

  • Private key

Raw secret keys (found in the keystore file) can be used as an alternative method to unlock the wallet.

Main wallet screen


Informational fields:

At the top of the window is permanently shown the following information together with copy-to-clipboard buttons.

  • This Node address: is the address of the node providing the backend service.
  • My address: is your address unlocked from your private keystore


This screen shows your SCPT and SPAY balances and the history of transactions.


Receive (faucet). (Only Testnet).


Faucet is a testnet-only feature that allows testing applications and mature monet-handling algorithms using play money, instead of risking real-money in the mainnet. Only if your current balance is under 100000 SCP every time to click on Receive button 1000 SCPT and 100 SPAY are transferred to your balances.

15 seconds after clicling the receive button you balance screen would reflect your new balances and a new entry in the transaction history list.

On-Chain Stakes

Invest in the network. The network will reward you for making it more secure and reliable.



Select lightning node and continue.



testnet node. Shell. Obtain funds from Faucet

So far in the process you have successfully completed your setup and can check out all of the following items:

  • can ssh as root to your node by muscle memory.
  • can switch to user ‘stv’ and go to home directory /home/stv
  • can run the program scriptcli

From now on any invocation of the programs script or scriptcli are meant to be done as user stv at its home directory (/home/stv) unless stated otherwise.

Your keys are stored in directory /home/stv/script4/wallet/keys/plain

    stv> find script4/wallet/keys/plain -exec cat {} \;

For protecting your funds it is very convenient to backup this directory containing keys.

We will need to fund our node address.

If we run a testnet we would use a node faucet. Every node has a faucet that will transfer you funds on request.

If we run a mainnet we would use an exchange to buy tokens.

In any case you’d need the node address, which ca be obtained querying status.

    stv@ip-172-31-8-249:~$ scriptcli_lightning1 query status
                "address": "0x8d1F3236d790415d631d554091dE7A25913FB561",
                "chain_id": "testnet",
                "current_epoch": "1019",
                "current_hash": "0x44d71c52e6ddc4a905dc1901e7cc1a5b9bceed11ab4ea4cd023bb3b82b8d9147",
                "current_height": "1017",
                "current_time": "1721812158",
                "genesis_block_hash": "0x42a81f3f7ef0a5297997c8428ae945d5176f07082224b006f1979a5ebbe2744c",
                "latest_finalized_block_epoch": "1017",
                "latest_finalized_block_hash": "0x270bdf99bea4a90554ef13138721d33a4302f9c55925e0a14f8ca2ef8bda3359",
                "latest_finalized_block_height": "1017",
                "latest_finalized_block_time": "1721812142",
                "peer_id": "0x8d1F3236d790415d631d554091dE7A25913FB561",
                "snapshot_block_hash": "0x42a81f3f7ef0a5297997c8428ae945d5176f07082224b006f1979a5ebbe2744c",
                "snapshot_block_height": "0",
                "syncing": false,
                "tip_hash": "0xc7134d79a766cef0bcd32f267c0662fa6cafb7e4a22c73620ad5baeff1238ff3"

Then we’d ast the node’s faucet to send some tokens (change the example address with yours):

    curl -X POST -d "receiver=0x8d1F3236d790415d631d554091dE7A25913FB561"

You can repeat the command as many times as you wish, recommended 10 times, so we earn enough to stake a guardian node. After a few seconds we can check our balance:

    d1F3236d790415d631d5540scriptcli query account --address=0x8d1F3236d790415d631d554091dE7A25913FB561
                "code": "0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470",
                "coins": {
                    "scptwei": "12000000000000000000000",
                    "spaywei": "1200000000000000000000"
                "last_updated_block_height": "1180",
                "reserved_funds": [],
                "root": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                "sequence": "0"

Removing 18 trailing zeroes we obtain our balance of tokens (provided you called the faucet 12 times)

    SCPT token: 12000;  SPAY token:1200

Your Web user interface for interacting with other’s (or yours) wallets faucet service can be found at URLS:

  • Human User Interface: https://wallet-testnet.
  • User Computer Application Interface: https://backend-wallet-testnet.

Testnet Node. Browser. Fund new wallet accout from your faucet

We learnt how to fund the node account in the previous section. In this section we will learn to fund a new account from our own faucet.

Go to https://wallet-testnet. and create a new wallet. Save the keystore in a controlled directory and login.

As you unlock the wallet you’ll see the address at the top of your screen besides the label “My address”. In this example we’ll assume it is 0xeeF1966D1b39E35A08975255138A020239Ea30d6.


    my console-wallet/node address is 0x8d1F3236d790415d631d554091dE7A25913FB561 
            my browser-wallet address is 0xeeF1966D1b39E35A08975255138A020239Ea30d6 

Balances should show up zero.

Click Receive - Faucet, then confirm and wait 15 seconds to see your balance updated.


We can check the node account has been decreased in the same amounts - off by 0.000001 SPAY fees

    stv:~$ scriptcli query account --address=0x8d1F3236d790415d631d554091dE7A25913FB561
            Using config file: /home/stv/script4/lightning1/wallet/config.yaml
                "code": "0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470",
                "coins": {
                    "scptwei": "11000000000000000000000",
                    "spaywei": "1099999990000000000000"
                "last_updated_block_height": "1180",
                "reserved_funds": [],
                "root": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                "sequence": "1"

Your node account has payed for your faucet transfer of 1000 SCPT + 100 SPAY, and its balance is now:

    SCPT token: 11000;  SPAY token:1100-fees

Testnet Node. Browser. Send Funds to a given accout.

From your web wallet let’s give back 500 SCPT to anyone, for example our node address (0x8d1F3236d790415d631d554091dE7A25913FB561)

Click Send buttond and fill the fields:


The transaction should be reflected on screen in seconds, and on the recipient account

    stv:~$ scriptcli query account --address=0x8d1F3236d790415d631d554091dE7A25913FB561
                "code": "0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470",
                "coins": {
                    "scptwei": "11500000000000000000000",
                    "spaywei": "1099999990000000000000"
                "last_updated_block_height": "1180",
                "reserved_funds": [],
                "root": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                "sequence": "1"

We can confirm we received 500 SCPT from the browser wallet.

Testnet Node. Shell. Send Funds from your node wallet (the wallet safeguarding the node key).

In order to make transfers from console you’d need to have available the source and recipient addresses and the sequence number of the source account, the account where source funds sit.

In our case, the source address is our node account (0x8d1F3236d790415d631d554091dE7A25913FB561), and the recipient address is our browser-wallet address (0xeeF1966D1b39E35A08975255138A020239Ea30d6).

We obtain the sequence number using the source address:

    stv:~$ scriptcli query account --address 0x8d1F3236d790415d631d554091dE7A25913FB561
                "code": "0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470",
                "coins": {
                    "scptwei": "11500000000000000000000",
                    "spaywei": "1099999990000000000000"
                "last_updated_block_height": "1180",
                "reserved_funds": [],
                "root": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
                "sequence": "1"

For the sequence value we will take the value of the field “sequence” plus one, as we obtained “1” we will then use sequence number 2.

For the amount we will transfer 10000 SCPT.

    stv:~$ scriptcli tx send --chain="testnet" --from=0x8d1F3236d790415d631d554091dE7A25913FB561 --to=0xeeF1966D1b39E35A08975255138A020239Ea30d6 --script=10000 --seq=2
            Successfully broadcasted transaction:
                "hash": "0x41ce406895c166145211091afa50f0ae7197b721f1d4e2634e52ea3c72ce5b34",
                "block": {
                    "ChainID": "testnet",
                    "Epoch": 2844,
                    "Height": 2844,
                    "Parent": "0xfaf4d062abecbc230a34ca45f7e4c68d9f3e2ad512eb213a6710d6e4b611dd07",
                    "HCC": {
                        "Votes": [
                                "Block": "0xfaf4d062abecbc230a34ca45f7e4c68d9f3e2ad512eb213a6710d6e4b611dd07",
                                "Height": 2843,
                                "Epoch": 2843,
                                "ID": "0x99b009e8a5257772ac07c9b370b2bdb389e3b46a",
                                "Signature": "0xc288ef07aef45c008340f4189959d90d0f64fb326c4f218633ce1466efdec4421af3d3e4840a92e84bc7b91c7b18e739bd89db9319949eac0320a17cc3c5d7fd01"
                        "BlockHash": "0xfaf4d062abecbc230a34ca45f7e4c68d9f3e2ad512eb213a6710d6e4b611dd07"
                    "LightningVotes": null,
                    "EliteEdgeNodeVotes": null,
                    "TxHash": "0xc8bd1399466df192645f836f806cdf94ff6dc5619092c6e4786ec074deea6034",
                    "StateHash": "0x40291b0c95fa8573fee4c7b15b7b73ed0adf97cdfc78a42e4aec9fd2210ebeca",
                    "Timestamp": 1721823113,
                    "Proposer": "0x99b009e8a5257772ac07c9b370b2bdb389e3b46a",
                    "Signature": "0xae52ab043504345a77aca34c77ba3888431e609ea37c7233c6cbfcdb43ea4e972869c014539253a68dae77a6cf32999dfd155f9d72b48a4081381bfaa913672500"

At this point your browser wallet should show this balances:


With a balance of 10000 SCPT you can stake your lightning node from the browser wallet.

Testnet Node. Browser. Stake your lightning node.

Click on On-Chain Stakes, then Deposit Stake and then continue with Lightning Node.


In the following screen click on the helper button labeled This node to autofill the node fingerprint with the one corresponding to this node (double check URL to make sure which node you’re operating with and which one you want to stake).

Enter 10000 SCPT.

The node fingetprint can alternatively be obtained on the shell in the field “Summary” of the response.

    stv:~$ scriptcli query lightning
                "Address": "0x8d1F3236d790415d631d554091dE7A25913FB561",
                "BlsPubkey": "8322dc548cef749a20f276c3106054ac4fd59081191e87128683c4a8b6c00547fc53b242ec79d9c49ce12176efda4658",
                "BlsPop": "875aa8ce47ecae78e8076c9163bdca6757036a8fe70f46869010bdf3c2dafdcd2dd7eac5484bad57733b5210efa1c717118fa57addc1c31c810c23bfe8b1c1c54c3940e43e3670c3e9b32f551986fedc670f897e92392f3309cdad41d0031866",
                "Signature": "dc141c86b5d5059969eba9d6e795d5f9fd4715922ddc1a24417da974ca1c3c8327edf11f18ccbe13ee297cee70a6a69801bd92f0d0ed472087f7bdf78b41785800",
                "Summary": "0x8d1F3236d790415d631d554091dE7A25913FB5618322dc548cef749a20f276c3106054ac4fd59081191e87128683c4a8b6c00547fc53b242ec79d9c49ce12176efda4658875aa8ce47ecae78e8076c9163bdca6757036a8fe70f46869010bdf3c2dafdcd2dd7eac5484bad57733b5210efa1c717118fa57addc1c31c810c23bfe8b1c1c54c3940e43e3670c3e9b32f551986fedc670f897e92392f3309cdad41d0031866dc141c86b5d5059969eba9d6e795d5f9fd4715922ddc1a24417da974ca1c3c8327edf11f18ccbe13ee297cee70a6a69801bd92f0d0ed472087f7bdf78b41785800"



You will verify after a few seconds that sadly your balance has dropped, as it can be seen on your explorer:

We can pay a visit to the explorer to do some verifications.

You can use either your explore (serviced by your node) or any other node including the one behind https://explorer-testnet.<your domain|>/account/0xeeF1966D1b39E35A08975255138A020239Ea30d6

As a result of your transaction you are queued waiting for inclusion.

If you are like me you would need to access such queue and check my address is reflected there.

We would need first to obtain the current_height of the blockchain:

    stv:~$ scriptcli query status
            { ...
                "current_height": "3713",
            ... }

With it, we can print the waiting queue querying lcp (Lightning Candidate Pool):

    stv:~$ scriptcli query gcp --height=3713
                "BlockHashGcpPairs": [
                        "BlockHash": "0x75c499de22a3ed2852c9f2e9ed7bf92909557e80921a555bcb6874ad1ed50f68",
                        "Gcp": {
                            "SortedLightnings": [
                                    "Holder": "0x8d1f3236d790415d631d554091de7a25913fb561",
                                    "Stakes": [
                                            "amount": "10000000000000000000000",
                                            "return_height": "18446744073709551615",
                                            "source": "0xeef1966d1b39e35a08975255138a020239ea30d6",
                                            "withdrawn": false

We can be pleased to find our candidacy included in this list.


Our balance of 500 SCPT, 100 SPAY checks out.

we can easily spot our last Deposit Stake transaction.

© 2024 All rights reserved.